Movies & TV

Spencer Lord: “Heartland” Has Stolen My Heart! – playing Nathan Pryce Jr. & learning to ride

Actor Chats About Joining the Cast, Learning to Ride, and His Character's Mysterious Past

Well, butter my biscuit! Guess who I bumped into on the set of Heartland’s 17th season? None other than the charming Spencer Lord himself. And boy, did we have ourselves a good ol’ chinwag about his role as Nathan Pryce Jr.

Now, let me tell y’all about this Nathan Pryce Jr. character. According to Spencer, he’s not just any old cowpoke. Nope, he’s got quite the backstory.

“Nathan Price is a neighbouring rancher,” Lord spilled the beans. “His family’s been in the area for a generation or two, and he sort of disappeared for a while–about 20 years ago or so–and he ends up coming back and he has ties to the family. So that ends up sort of causing a little bit of turmoil.”


Sounds like this fella’s return might stir up more dust than a cattle drive, if you ask me!

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. When I asked Spencer about who his character’s closest to, he gave me a look that’d make a poker player proud.

“But at this point, he’s been gone for so long that he doesn’t really have anybody that he’s close to in town. So he’s a bit of a lone ranger, I’d say.”

A lone ranger, eh? Sounds like our boy Nathan might be carrying around more secrets than a gossip at a church picnic!

And let me tell you, folks, joining a big ol’ cast like Heartland ain’t no small potatoes. It’s like being the new kid at school, except everyone’s riding horses and speaking with a twang. But Spencer? He took to it like a duck to water.

Oh, and speaking of horses – turns out our city slicker had to learn to ride! I reckon he was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs at first, but he got the hang of it. Practice makes perfect, after all!

Well, there you have it, Heartland fans. Seems like we’re in for quite a ride with Nathan Pryce Jr. Will he stir up trouble? Mend old wounds? Or maybe both? Only time will tell, but I’ll bet my bottom dollar it’ll be worth tuning in for!


Until next time, keep your boots dusty and your hearts open, y’all!

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